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Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTS Semester 1

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Semester 1 adalah Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Semester 1, Materi contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP/MTS Semester 1 berikut ini sangat cocok bagi rekan Guru yang sedang mencari referensi Contoh soal plus kunci jawab UAS Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP
Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTS Semester 1 Terbaru, Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Siap UAS Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Semester 1, Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 SMP/MTS Kelas 7, Materi contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Kelas 7 SMP/MTS, Contoh soal plus kunci jawab UAS Semester 1 kelas 7 SMP/MTS

Soal dan Kunci Jawab Siap UAS Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Terbaru - Ujian akhir semester adalah ujian yang dilakukan oleh sekolah pada kurun waktu akhir semester yang digunakan sebagai tolak ukur daya serap materi oleh peserta didik selama rentan waktu tersebut yang sekaligus sebagai penilaian akhir.

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Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTS Kelas 7

Berikut ini kami berikan sedikit gambaran mengenai Contoh Soal Siap Ujian (Ulangan) Akhir Semester Kelas 7 SMP Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 yang dapat bapak ibu Guru lihat preview singkatnya sebagai berikut

1. Andi comes to Togar’s house at 07.00pm for group study. At 09.00pm, Andi leaves Togar’s house. Which one is the right expression for Andi when he leaves Togar’s house:
A. Good evening, Togar. I think I have to leave right now.
B. Good afternoon, Togar. I think I have to leave right now.
C. Good night, Togar. I think I have to leave right now.
D. Good day, Togar. I think I have to leave right now.
E. Good morning, Togar. I think I have to leave right now.

2. The correct greetings when someone meet his friend in the night is as following:
A. Hi, good evening!
B. Hi, good night!
C. Hi, good day!
D. Hi, good afternoon!
E. Hi, good morning!

3. Toni feels little bit unhealthy. He has a headache. Risma meets Toni and asks him how he feels. What will Toni say?
A. Risma, how are you today?
B. Oh, Risma, I’m feeling dizzy. Thank you for asking.
C. Risma, can you stop asking me!
D. Oh, Risma, just get out of my face.
E. Oh, Risma, please lend me some money.

4. Mr Tono is an English teacher. He greets his students everytime he enters the class to teach.

Mr Tono: “Hi, Students, how are you today?”
Students: “.................................................”

How should the students reply to Mr Tono’s greetings?
A. I’m fine, Sir.
B. How about you, Sir?
C. No problem, Sir.
D. Nothing is wrong, Sir.
E. We are fine, Sir

5. Fatimah and Yohana walk home from school. Fatimah’s house is closer than Yohana’s house. They are separated in the crossroad. What is the right sentence to express how Fatimah says farewell to Yohana.
A. Good morning, Yohana. Nice to meet you
B. Hi, Yohana, how are you?
C. Oh, Yohana, please don’t say like that.
D. Goodbye, Yohana.
E. Hi, Yohana. You look so pale today. Are you okay?

6. Marlina and her friends walk home from school. They go to school and go back from school by foot. Marlina’s house is the closest among others. What will Marlina say to her friends when she is right on her house front door?
A. See you, guys!
B. Hi, guys, how are you?
C. Hi, guys, let’s learn together
D. Hi, guys, what time is it?
E. Hi, guys, be slow but sure!

7. Anto will go to bed. He feels very tired. His father comes to his room and tells him a story about the poor cat. After telling the story, Anto’s father says something as a form of farewell greetings. What will Anto’s father say to him?
A. Good night, Anto. Have a nice day.
B. Be a good boy, Anto.
C. Don’t be naughty, Anto.
D. Anto, look, there is a black cat outside.
E. Good night Anto. Have a nice dream.

8. Mrs Arlina is an English teacher. She gives a present to Sumarni whose test score is the highest among her friends. What will Sumarni say to Mrs Arlina?
A. Thank you very much, Mrs Arlina. I love the present very much.
B. Mrs Arlina, you don’t have to give me that. Just give the present to the poor.
C. This is not right, Mrs Arlina. The present is not good.
D. Mrs Arlina, I think you waste your money by giving me this cheap present.
E. Oh, this present looks very cute. I will give it to my needy friend then.

9. Yance borrows Udin’s pencil. When Udin asks Yance to return his pencil, Yance feels very sorry that the pencil is already broken. What will Yance tell to Udin?
A. Udin, your pencil is broken. Next time, buy the better one.
B. Udin, I hate your pencil. It is cheap so I throw away your pencil.
C. Udin, just forget about the pencil. Let’s play together right now.
D. I’m really sorry for the pencil, Udin. I will buy you the new and the better one.
E. Hi, Udin, don’t feel sorry for the pencil. It is not a precious thing.

10. Marno and his friends are in the class. When the bell rings, His friends invite Marno to go outside the class playing soccer. However, Marno feels unhealthy because of headache. What will Marno say to refuse his friends’ invitation to play soccer?
A. You guys just annoy me. Go out by yourselves.
B. Hi, guys, come on. Don’t you see my condition right now?
C. Hi, guys, can we have a better game rather than soccer?
D. I’m really sorry, guys. Your offer just make me angry.
E. I’m really sorry, guys. I am not feeling good right now. I hope you all understand.

11. There is a new student in the class. You want to know your new friend’s name. What will be your question?
A. Hi, where are you from?
B. Hi, how are you?
C. Hi, is everything fine?
D. Hi, you look so stylish.
E. Hi, what is your name?

12. There is a new student in the class. You want to know where your new friend comes from. What will be your question?
A. Hi, it is so nice to meet you.
B. Hi, you look very good today.
C. Hi, is everything fine?
D. Hi, where do you come from?
E. Hi, how are you doing?

13. You are interesting in knowing your friend’s birhtday. What will be the best question to express your interest?
A. Hi, Friend. When were you born?
B. Hi, Friend, what time is it?
C. Hi, Friend, what day is it today?
D. Hi, Friend, what day before yesterday?
E. Hi, Friend, when will you accompany me go to the library?

14. Nana is your friend. He invites you to visit her house to have group discussion. Unfortunately, you do not know where her address is. What will be the best question to ask Nana’s address?
A. Hi, Nana, how are you today?
B. Hi, Nana, what time is it?
C. Hi, Nana, what is Wati’s address?
D. Hi, Nana, what is your address?
E. Hi, Nana, what is the school’s address?

15. Please fill in the blank with the most suitable answer!
My favorite ......... is white.
A. Address
B. Color
C. Library ID card
D. Birthday
E. Animal

16. Doni’s favorite ......... is fried rice.
A. Address
B. Color
C. Food
D. Birthday
E. Animal

17. Doctor, teacher, lecturer, driver, etc are the kinds of:
A. Occupation
B. Hobby
C. People
D. Address
E. Age

18. Fishing, cooking, reading, doing sport, playing game are the kinds of:
A. Occupation
B. Hobby
C. People
D. Address
E. Age

19. Sukiman, Roni, Doni, Satiman are examples of people’s:
A. Occupation
B. Hobby
C. People
D. Name
E. Age

20. Tukino is your English teacher. How will you greet him?
A. Hello, Tukino
B. Hello, Uncle Tukino
C. Hello, Aunt Tukino
D. Hello, Mrs. Tukino
E. Hello, Mr Tukino

21. Andi and his classmates will have English class for tomorrow. Today is Monday. Thus, Andi and his classmates will have English class by .......
A. Sunday
B. Thursday
C. Wednesday
D. Tuesday
E. Friday

22. Today is Monday. Ani tells her friends about her holiday with her family yesterday. Thus, Ani had her holiday with her family on ......
A. Sunday
B. Thursday
C. Wednesday
D. Tuesday
E. Friday

23. You play football with your friends after school. To play football totally, you and your friends make sure that you all will have holiday by the day after today which is Sunday. Thus, you and your friends usually play football after school every:
A. Sunday
B. Thursday
C. Saturday
D. Tuesday
E. Friday

24. Thomas and his family are Christians. They usually go to church by ....
A. Sunday
B. Thursday
C. Saturday
D. Tuesday
E. Friday

25. Ahmad is a muslim. He and his friends usually go home earlier to have Jum’at Worship every ......
A. Sunday
B. Thursday
C. Saturday
D. Tuesday
E. Friday

26. You should go to school early. Thus, you have to take a bath an hour before the school bell rings. The school bell rings at seven. Thus, you usually take a bath every .... in the morning
A. Eight
B. Seven
C. Nine
D. Six
E. Ten

27. You and your family usually have dinner together at ..... in the night
A. Eight
B. Seven
C. Nine
D. Six
E. Ten

28. Tuti says that she will have birthday next two months. This month is November. Tuti will have birthday in ....
A. February
B. March
C. January
D. April
E. May

29. We celebrate The Hero Day every .....
A. First of November
B. 17th of August
C. Fifth of April
D. Tenth of November
E. First of October

30. We celebrate The Kartini Day every .....
A. First of November
B. 17th of August
C. 21st of April
D. Tenth of November
E. First of October

31. Read the text below carefully!

My mother goes to hospital every work day. She helps patients with full of patience. She always takes note of what the doctor says about patients. She helps the doctors to heal the patients.

My mother is a .........

A. Nurse
B. Doctor
C. Nutritionist
D. Internist
E. Employee

32. Read the text below carefully!

Ani has the same parents as me. She was born two years earlier. Thus, Ani is my ....

A. Younger sister
B. Elder sister
C. Cousin
D. Nephew
E. Grandmother
F. Niece

33. My father is a lawyer. He has a younger brother whose name is Mr. Iwan. He is a doctor. Mr Iwan is my ....
A. Aunt
B. Niece
C. Nephew
D. Grandfather
E. Uncle

34. Mr . Kun Sri Hartanto is an economist. He is my unce. His wife is Mrs. Umi. She is an internist or a doctor whose specialization is in internal medicine. Mrs Umi is my ....
A. Aunt
B. Niece
C. Nephew
D. Cousin
E. Uncle.

35. Mr. Fahrudin is a wood worker. He employs several carpenters. Mr. Fahrudin is the husband of my mother’s younger sister. Anto is Mr. Fahrudin’s son. Anto is my .......
A. Cousin
B. Niece
C. Nephew
D. Aunt
E. Uncle

36. Mr. Sutanto is Mr. Suparman’s younger brother. Jalidin is Mr. Sutanto’s son. Jalidin is Mr. Suparman’s ......
A. Cousin
B. Nephew
C. Cousin
D. Niece
E. Uncle

37. My brother loves me. I love him too. We love ......
A. Together
B. One another
C. Forever
D. Love eternally
E. Each other

38. Anto and his parents have dinner ...... every night.
A. Together
B. One another
C. Forever
D. Love eternally
E. Each other

39. I and my father always ...... every Sunday morning.
A. Go to the park
B. Have dinner
C. Have lunch
D. Go to night market
E. Go to the theatre

40. I’m a student. I always .... every Monday until Saturday.
A. Go to school
B. Go to the night market
C. Go to theatre
D. Go to the supermarket
E. Go to traditional market

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